A higher intake of calcium and zinc before conception significantly reduces the risk of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy, emphasizing the need for preconception nutrition.

NUTRITION 2024: Where the best in science & health meet
Go to source). “Our findings underscore the significance of preconception dietary intake of calcium and zinc in potentially reducing the risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy,” said Liping Lu, MD, PhD, who conducted the research as a postdoctoral research scientist at Columbia University and is now an assistant professor at Ball State University. “Higher intakes of zinc and calcium before conception, derived from diet and supplements, are both associated with a lower risk of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy.”
‘Boost your preconception diet with calcium and zinc to lower pregnancy hypertension risk! #healthypregnancy #medindia’

Importance of Preconception Nutrition for Healthy Pregnancy
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the most common disorders of pregnancy and can harm both the pregnant person and the developing fetus. Considering the potential adverse effects of antihypertensive medications during pregnancy, researchers have focused on opportunities to prevent dangerous hypertension-related disorders such as pre-eclampsia through modifiable factors like nutrition.While many people begin focusing on their nutrition after becoming pregnant, the researchers said that a person’s nutritional status before conception is important since it can often take time for the body to correct deficiencies or imbalances.
“The health of women during the preconception period is strongly linked to the pregnancy outcome,” Lu said. “Adequate nutrient or mineral stores in the body before conception can ensure optimal nutrient status for conception and support the early stages of fetal growth and development.”
The researchers conducted two separate studies using data from over 7,700 pregnant women across the U.S. who provided information about their health and diet through a study called the Nulliparous Pregnancy Outcomes Study: Monitoring Mothers-To-Be. One study focused on calcium while the other focused on zinc. The researchers analysed the association between pre-conception intakes of each mineral and rates of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy after accounting for demographic, lifestyle, and health factors that are also related to the risk of hypertension.
The results showed that people in the highest quintile for pre-conception calcium intake were 24% less likely to experience hypertensive disorders during pregnancy compared with those in the lowest quintile. For zinc, participants were divided into quartiles and those with the highest pre-conception zinc intakes were 38% less likely to experience hypertensive disorders during pregnancy than those with the lowest zinc intakes.
Recommendations of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine suggest that women of childbearing age should consume 1,000 milligrams of calcium and 8 milligrams of zinc daily.
- NUTRITION 2024: Where the best in science & health meet - (https://nutrition.org/n24/)